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[轉貼] Understanding Jeremy Lin 哈佛校友暢談林書豪 - 2012/02/28


[轉貼] Understanding Jeremy Lin 哈佛校友暢談林書豪  - 2012/02/28 Empty [轉貼] Understanding Jeremy Lin 哈佛校友暢談林書豪 - 2012/02/28

發表 由 shawjeng 周六 4月 14, 2012 12:38 am

Understanding Jeremy Lin: his Harvard buddies on his faith,friendships, and the occasional prank

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 By Annie Wang

I'm sitting in the middle of a long table, enjoying lunch with my small group after Sunday service. One of my friends asks sweetly, “Annie, did you know Jeremy Lin?” Suddenly, all other conversations cease and ten pairs of eyes fixate on me, waiting for my response. “Yeah, I knew him. We were both in HRAACF [the Harvard-Radcliffe Asian-American Christian Fellowship]. But I didn’t really know him – we’ve spoken maybe a couple times.”

It seems that Jeremy Lin is the unavoidable, ubiquitous conversation topic these days. I’ve watched with amusement over the last couple weeks as the most unlikely of fans have emerged from within my social circles. One of my good friends, literally the last person I expected to be starstruck with Linsanity, grabbed me by both shoulders and demanded quite seriously, “TELL ME EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT JEREMY LIN.” My parents emailed my brother and me a YouTube video of a Jeremy Lin interview, then later giggled on the phone as they confessed they’ve been diligently watching his highlight reels, and had I watched the YouTube they sent yet?! “He's amazing!” they chortled. My guy friends refer to Jeremy as “my boy,” while it seems every other girl is expressing her wish to date Jeremy. But I don’t need to tell you these stories; you and I are just as caught up in it all.

But through my own willing participation in the Linsanity, I became aware of how shallow our fixation thus far has been. We – both the media and individuals – seem to endlessly reiterate the same few basic facts we know about Jeremy: He’s Christian! He’s Asian-American! He went to Harvard! ...and repeat, with some tantalizing embellishment or another thrown in with reference to Tim Tebow or Kim Kardashian, as the case may be.
但是隨著我越來越多的參與到林瘋狂之中,我逐漸意識到我們關注的都是些多麼膚淺的東西啊!我們——無論是媒體還是個人——都在不厭其煩地談論著那些關於林書豪的大家都早已爛熟於心的事實:他是虔誠的基督徒;他是個美籍亞裔小夥;他讀的哈佛...然後不知道哪些傢伙什麼時候又會拋出一篇關於林的文章,還是那些陳芝麻爛穀子,頂多稍微潤色修飾一番,或者再把tim tebow 和卡戴珊神馬的拋進來充充門面,事情就是如此。

And with each new piece of information we obsessively consume and share, fueled by the escalating effect of social media, we further underscore and idealize Jeremy as an Übermensch of inhuman faith, exceptional intelligence, and clutch athleticism, while his humanity slips farther and farther away from our minds.

The truth is, Jeremy does represent movements much bigger than himself. He is at once the timely savior of a struggling franchise, a profitable posterboy for a rejuvenated league, a champion for the often-overlooked Asian-American population, and a provocative agent of change within a conflicted China. And, of course, he is making the biggest splash as outspoken flagbearer for the cause he has steadfastly and intentionally pursued – the advancement of the Christian faith. But though much of our initial interest in Jeremy stemmed from a basic shared commonality in one of these aspects of his identity, or his appeal as the protagonist of a Cinderella story to which we might aspire, we have since nearly forgotten that Jeremy is just a man after all.

Even the hype surrounding Jeremy’s faith can undermine his desire to share, and for us to perceive, it in its true form: a developing journey marked with exhilarating highs, deep lows, and the most formidable doubts as recently as the very present.

For those who have known Jeremy pre-Linsanity, this is a supremely exciting time with special sentimental meaning. It has also turned into a time of careful deliberation for us who bear the responsibility that comes with shared faith to compose responses with integrity to Jeremy’s own message to everything from the innocent questions of our friends to the aggressive demands of the media.

I happen to live in a house with the current staff of HRAACF, Victoria Lo (Harvard 2011 graduate) and Lue Qin (Harvard 2010 graduate), so I’ve observed first-hand how they’ve been handling all the requests from the press for some statement or another about Jeremy’s involvement with HRAACF. They held a long meeting to discuss how to respond out of a desire to respect and reflect Jeremy’s own response to media attention. Jeremy’s attitude has been one of admirable humility; he has become known for deflecting praise to his team and giving God the credit for his wins. So that has been Victoria's and Lue's focus and prayer as well: that in the midst of Linsanity, we would celebrate Jeremy, but ultimately follow his heavenward pointing example.
如今和我同住在一起的兩個舍友就是哈佛美籍亞裔基督協會的成員,他們分別是Victoria Lo(哈佛2011屆畢業生)和lue qin(哈佛2010屆畢業生);所以近水樓台先得月,當記者就林書豪採訪他們的時候我掌握了第一手訊息;他們為了應對媒體的採訪甚至提前開了個會商討該如何避免狂熱以客觀的給出對林書豪的評價。作為一個如此謙虛低調的人,我們都很欣賞林書豪;他從不貪功,把讚賞全都給了隊友,並感謝上帝賜予他勝利。林書豪的這些特質便成了Victoria Lo和Lue Qin回答媒體採訪時的核心依據,他們在禱告的時候也會說:林瘋狂來到了我們的身邊,我們也會一同慶祝,但最終我們要以林書豪為榜樣,虔誠地接收著來自上帝的指示。

The same concern has been shared by Cheng Ho (Harvard ‘10), Jeremy’s close friend, roommate, fellow student-athlete, small group member, and longtime superfan. When I pitched my article thesis to Cheng, he revealed that he’s been wading through an absolute flood of interview requests from both American and Chinese media (he’s currently in Beijing working to promote the National Football League). Cheng has been extremely selective in responding, however, because he worries whether the big picture of Jeremy’s story, in which the gospel is so central, will be genuinely and faithfully conveyed.
哈佛10年畢業的cheng ho也面臨著同樣的問題,他是林書豪的好友;兩人曾是室友、上過同一個校隊,待過同一個小組,作為林的超級球迷也有很長一段時間了。他跟我說,回答那些中美媒體記者提出的如潮水一般洶湧襲來的問題之時(他現在工作於北京,代表NFL來中國做宣傳)他在措辭上絞盡腦汁,十分謹慎。然而,提到林瘋狂,他的信仰(福音)不可迴避,他擔心媒體會不會忠誠地如實地向外界傳遞採訪中的內容。

But are we not already constantly made aware of Jeremy’s faith, inseparable from any mention of Jeremy himself? What more is there to convey with regards to this gospel? Haven’t we heard it all already, and then some?

While talking to a good friend of Jeremy’s who wishes to remain anonymous, I heard her speak the answer: “So far, Jeremy has been portrayed as this very religious, humble, unselfish person – all of which is true. But I just hope that this doesn't make others see him as unreachable, as someone they can't relate to. I find it somewhat amusing when the media portrays him as this soft-spoken, mild-mannered guy, because around his family and friends, he is outgoing, incredibly funny and sarcastic, very playful and social. And he definitely has swag!”

We discussed the possibility that the frenzy around Jeremy and his faith might serve to actually undermine his goal to point to God, as people begin focusing on him, or more accurately, the holy caricature we have come to identify as him. Perhaps the most significant obstruction to Jeremy’s own passion movement is nothing less than Linsanity itself. What if we could shed some light on the man himself behind the larger-than-life Asian-American Christian Harvard graduate hero? Perhaps understanding his fundamental humanness might help us realize that he is just like any other guy, full of nuanced character, quirky passions, and an abundance of hilarious college memories. And perhaps we would come to see that everything Jeremy is, is nothing more and nothing less than the earnest product of striving to practice his faith step by step through every moment in life.

The first thing Cheng said to me when I approached him about this article was, “For Jeremy, the most important thing for him is not to elevate himself, to gain fame or even wealth. The most important thing for him is to glorify God via basketball.” But the notion of playing a sport for God is still too abstract and meaningless without specific application. What concretely does it mean for Jeremy to play basketball to glorify God?

Cheng pointed to the recurring struggle Jeremy consistently brought up in their weekly small group meetings during their college years: feeling the temptation to play the game for his own pleasure and satisfaction. When the going was good and Harvard’s “Jeremy Lin Show” made college basketball headlines, Cheng said Jeremy confessed feeling urgently tempted to play exceptionally well and score a lot of points, and to perhaps not pass the ball to his teammates as much. He struggled with his self-awareness of the urge to compromise and “change his game to score more points” in order to impress NBA scouts. Jeremy also constantly checked his occasional feeling of superiority over his peers, and actively combated this tendency by trying to befriend those he didn’t know as well, inviting them to a conversation over a meal.

On the other hand, when faced with setbacks and disappointments, Jeremy’s faith underwent severe tests that led him to question God’s purpose for everything he was going through. “We all envision a life path that we think is good for us, but sometimes things don’t work out. For Jeremy, this didn’t happen one, two, three times. It happened over and over, many countless times. To the point where he thought about giving up basketball, and became really skeptical about whether God had a different plan for him altogether.” Cheng observed that Jeremy’s approach was “to completely surrender himself to God. He learned not to care.”

I was intrigued by what sounded like quite a loose, indifferent handling of one’s own career. Cheng was quick to clarify the full meaning of Jeremy’s attitude, relating it to his now triumphant present, “The temptation to keep his job is now stronger than ever.” Temptation to keep his job? This is the staggering irony before us: a man who has broken the NBA record for total points in first five career starts views the game of basketball as simply what God has given him to work with for the present, and nothing more. Step by step.

Jeremy’s way of integrating his faith and athletic pursuits began in his early years at Harvard, and he used his past personal experiences to encourage others as well. Cheng, who by his sophomore year was a starter on the Harvard football team, recalled a defining moment in his friendship with Jeremy when Cheng lost his starting spot on the team, even after performing well the previous Ivy championship season. Bitterly angry, Cheng went through a psychological crucible that took a toll on his sleep, his mood, and his relationships. He didn’t know how to handle being relegated to a backup position for the first time in his life. One afternoon, as Cheng was leaving for a game, Jeremy popped his head out and said, “I sent you something in an email. When you have a chance, take a look at it.” Later at the field house, Cheng found a long email from Jeremy, full of Bible verses related to sports, as well as reflections on his own past experiences. “He was trying to encourage me and also show me the right perspective for how to face the circumstances in a godly manner. These verses had helped him before, and they would help me now.” Cheng was touched, and recognized in Jeremy a true friend who provided support as well as gentle exhortation. “I recently sent the email back to him because he was going through a similar situation in the NBA.”

Though he and Jeremy had initially met in their freshman year, each identifying the other as “that other Asian guy playing sports at Harvard,” Cheng found that his friendship with Jeremy developed and solidified in the context of their HRAACF small group, in which discussions about faith and the consumption of food both figured prominently. “Jeremy consistently invited me and other athletes to join his small group. At first, I was not really interested at all in matters of faith. Then he said, ‘I’ll bring food.’ And I said, ‘Cool, I’m in.’”

Danny Kim, a 2010 Harvard graduate and also then a member of Jeremy’s small group, remembers how Jeremy on occasion made their meetings a time of (literally) fun and games. He once organized a night of silly games, one involving “pantyhose and tennis balls,” another “blindfolds and throwing rolled-up socks at each other,” and, of course, an eating competition.
danny kim(2010屆哈佛畢業生),大學時候也是林信仰小組成員,現在還記得林那個時候時不時地會把小組討論變成休閒娛樂會議。他說林有一次組織大夥玩了一晚上遊戲,其中一個遊戲涉及到「長筒褲和檯球」, 另一個包含「蒙眼睛和朝對方扔捲起來的襪子」,當然,肯定少不了吃東西大賽。

Cheng assured me, “People think Jeremy’s a really serious individual, but he’s actually really chill and actually really, really immature! The things that he would say and do would sometimes make me say, ‘Wow. Who are you?!’ When you’re with him, all hell breaks loose. He’s a goofball, has a great sense of humor, and doesn’t take things seriously. For example, he loves playing DotA and Halo (popular video games) in his free time, often with his brothers. Anytime I saw him playing, I would just walk out immediately. He’d shout, ‘Hey! No, I’ll be done soon!’ I’d wait thirty minutes and he’d still be playing. He’s just a normal person who likes to have fun.”

In the off-season, Jeremy often invited his friends to play a game of pick-up basketball with his teammates. Andy Choi, Jeremy’s classmate and fellow HRAACF member, recalled the thrill of those moments, “Whenever I got the text or call, I would drop whatever I was doing and sprint like crazy over to Lavietes [the basketball arena]. As I got close to the gym, I would slow down and try to control my breathing so I wouldn’t look like an eager little boy excited to play with the big kids. But once I entered the gym, I never felt like I didn’t belong or wasn’t good enough to play with the rest of them. Jeremy would always include me, and actually pass me the ball even though I was clearly the worst player on the floor.”
賽季結束的時候,林經常會找他的夥伴一起重溫過去打籃球的時光。林的同窗校友同時也是基督協會一員的andy choi回想起那些激動人心的時刻,「我跟你說啊,無論啥時我接到林的電話或者短信讓我去玩球,我都會立馬放下手裡的工作然後飛也似的衝向他們所在的體育館,快跑到那得時候我會故意停下來喘口氣歇會,我可不想看起來像個急於吃糖的小孩子一樣。但是我一踏入體育館,我根本不會覺得自己不屬於那或者覺得和其他人比起來自己打得如何不好,林總是會把我融入進去,給我傳球,儘管我投籃很爛。」

Even in these casual games, Jeremy’s competitive spirit was an ever-present force. “It was good to be on his team because he hated losing. In those pick-up games, I don’t think he ever lost. If his team were losing, he would take over the game and score the last however many points needed to win.”

Danny remembers one such game his freshman year when he got a little playful with Jeremy: “I was guarding Jeremy on a one-on-one fastbreak and I was talking a little smack to get him riled up. "C'mon, J Lin, what you got?" He pulled up behind the 3-point arc and drilled the shot. I spoke no more.”

Danny, Andy, and Jeremy bonded, too, over what became a weekly tradition of eating together at Le’s, a popular Vietnamese restaurant in Harvard Square. Danny and Andy independently mentioned to me one particularly memorable Sunday night their sophomore year. As they were enjoying bowls of pho, they discovered that they were all “down to get an ear piercing.” So they spontaneously headed to a piercing salon upstairs from Le’s. Jeremy, petrified of needles, was afraid to go into the piercing room alone, so Danny had to go in with him and provide moral support. Alas, all three of them picked out such a small stud that “it ended up looking feminine” instead of what they imagined would be a really cool look. Then again, Jeremy’s relationship with his piercing proved to be short-lived anyway. “He was afraid of his mom finding out about the piercing because he knew she would kill him. He was right. When he came back the next fall, he was no longer wearing an earring and his piercing had closed.”

So “it’s basketball and Christianity and food,” Cheng asserted, that were important in Jeremy’s life. “That’s about it; there’s not too much about it other than that.” And what about academics? Cheng laughed, “A lot of times he didn’t really like studying.”

Perhaps Jeremy remembered one thing from his economics class with Andy. “He once took a picture of me sleeping in class, and he would always make fun of me for it. The funny thing was, when midterm season came around, he would ask me for notes. I clearly didn’t take notes.”

“In the classroom, he never raised his hand to ask a question. Ever! If a TF [teaching fellow] called on him, he would pretend he was sick or go to the bathroom to avoid talking.” Cheng attributed this to Jeremy’s aversion to public speaking throughout college. “He doesn’t enjoy the spotlight, and feels uncomfortable talking about himself. During his college years, he refused to be in a lot of interviews. Now, though, he’s in a different situation. He needs to be able to suck it up and embrace public attention.”

It’s clear that the process of opening up and being himself in public has already begun for Jeremy, at least during games. Cheng made frequent references to Jeremy’s utterly new persona on the court, in which he’s playing with a tremendous amount of confidence and passionate, crowd-pleasing charisma never seen before by his friends and former teammates. “At Harvard, Jeremy never displayed emotion when he played. Now we see a much more vocal high energy player fist-pumping, chest high-fiving, and screaming.”

In the past few weeks, Jeremy has risen out of obscurity and made a name for himself with unbelievable speed (I’m reminded of this tweet Jeremy sent a mere month before Linsanity began: “Everytime I try to get into Madison Square Garden, the security guards ask me if I’m a trainer LOL”). It’s true on the court, too, as Jeremy has earned the respect of his teammates and is now seen telling the Knicks’ star players where to stand and what to do. When I ask Cheng if Jeremy’s leadership abilities were already clearly evident during his Harvard years, he briefly cites Jeremy’s election as captain of the men’s basketball team, and then launches, laughing, into a more personal illustrative anecdote:

“It was winter, and there was snow on the ground as we walked back to our dorm. Naturally, I made a snowball and threw it at Jeremy. It missed his face poorly. He turned around and said, “Cheng?” with an evil look. Laughing, I took up an even bigger one and threw it at him, and again missed. Finally, I nailed him just as we got to our dorm. He was like, “Alright, I’m going to get you back.” Later that night, after we ate dinner with our whole eight-person rooming group, he made sure I was the last one to leave the dining hall. As we walked back to our dorm, Jeremy signaled with his hand and suddenly a huge torrent of snowballs started flying at me, from everyone else in our group. I was very upset and started going crazy chasing people around, thinking, I only threw one, and now you pull a full-out snowball revenge on me, rallying the entire group! Jeremy noticed I was really angry and apologized, ‘Sorry man, it was just a joke.’ I didn’t talk to him for two months – no exaggeration. Every time our group ate together, I intentionally ate at another table. This story shows my immaturity, but also Jeremy’s leadership ability – his ability to get people to do things, to rally the group. People just naturally listen to him.”

Now, Jeremy is in the ultimate position of influence, not only in games played out on a polished wooden surface, but in as intimate a setting as the very hearts and beliefs of his fans, and as broadly as in the imaginations and aspirations of whole populations around the world. Cheng has observed firsthand the effect Jeremy is having as he himself embodies an entirely counter-cultural worldview to his Chinese fanbase. “In China, for example, Christianity is a very sensitive topic. But when Jeremy talks about God and Christianity, people here are more respective and willing to listen. He’s in a position to share his story, create a positive influence, and make an impact.”

It’s up to all of us to fully appreciate his story as the dynamic testimony of a man whose faith struggles and unique experiences have shaped him thus far, who has been given a remarkable opportunity to do great things in the present, and whose future steps are still paved by faith.Let us recognize that his story and his faith are accessible to us; that he is relatable to us, and in some ways, just like us. I asked Cheng how he eventually reconciled with Jeremy after the snowball incident. “I don’t really remember, but I think he must have needed help on a problem set or something.”

I asked several more of my mutual friends with Jeremy to recall some of their favorite memories with him, how they were personally celebrating Linsanity, and what impact his story has had on their lives. Here are their responses:

"I knew Jeremy would be a special player when the first time we played pickup he dunked on me the first play. I fell on my back and he was kind enough to help me up. It was embarrassing then but I feel better to know that I was dunked on by an NBA star." - Eric Lu, friend, Harvard ‘09
「當我們一起打野球那陣,他在我頭上扣了一個籃,那時候我就知道他很特別。我被他扣翻了,然後他友好的扶起我。那時候我覺得很尷尬,但是現在看來,被一個NBA超級明星給顏扣了,我覺得人生足矣!」-Eric lu(哈佛09畢業生)

“For me, the thing I remember most about Jeremy is the down-to-earth, relaxed nature that he always exuded. Whether it was running into him on University Avenue in Palo Alto during summer vacation, conversing with him at bible study, or playing a pickup game with him in the offseason, there was never the awkward distance that one may feel to a star college basketball player. And in recent days, it has not mattered whether it has been a college friend or Yao Ming congratulating him for his successes—he has embraced everyone in a display of humility and generosity that has colored his rise to prominence.” - June-Ho Kim, friend and small group member, Harvard ‘09 (reposted from June-Ho's personal blog)
「林最讓我印象深刻的是他流露出的那種務實的、無拘束的特質。無論是在暑假期間的palo alto大學街道上碰到他,還是在在學習聖經的時候和他聊天,或是賽季結束後和他一起打打野球,我們之間從來都沒有那種明星和普通人的距離感,很是自然隨和。最近這些天,無論是姚明還是其他什麼人恭喜他成功,他都顯得彬彬有禮,謙遜大方;他成名以來一直都這樣。」——june-ko kim 朋友,小組成員,哈佛09畢業生(其個人博客有登載過)

“My favorite Jeremy memory was after one of my a cappella group’s concerts that he wasn’t able to attend, he asked me if I had any recordings from the concert, specifically of any songs his then girlfriend might have been singing. I sent him a link to the video of the concert and thought that was the end of that. She then told me the next day she had walked into Jeremy's room earlier and found him embarrassingly listening to her song on full blast even with his roommates around.” - Joony Moon, friend, Harvard ‘10
「關於林書豪我記憶最深的是有一次他沒能參加我的cappella group(唱的歌曲跟福音有關)演唱會,然後他讓我給他帶演唱會的錄音帶,尤其是那些後來成為他女朋友的姑娘可能唱過的。我給了他一個演唱會視頻鏈接,然後以為事情就過去了。第二天,他的女朋友跟我說,當她走進林的宿舍時,發現林在裡面正聽著那些音樂,而且音量調到最大,完全無視周圍的舍友。」——joony moon,林的密友,10屆哈佛畢業生。

“For the average person at Harvard, Jeremy Lin was a passing interest. Basketball just wasn't that big on campus, but for those of us already obsessed with Crimson sports, it was a feeding frenzy. We postered our office with his face, called him every chance we got, and even sent reporters to his Bible study. Unfortunately, we didn't think to coin the term ‘Linsanity,’ but we were the hoops star's first groupies!” - Max Brondfield, The Crimson Sports Editor, Harvard ‘11
「對於大多普通的哈佛學子而言,林沒啥了不得的。籃球在學校並不是很受歡迎,但是對於我們這些在Grimson sports上班的人來說,林就是神一般的存在,我們為之痴狂,我們辦公室裡面貼著他的海報,一有機會就給他打電話,甚至派記者去林學習聖經的地方。不幸的是,linsanity這個詞不是我們創造出來的,不過我們絕對是他的第一批死忠球迷!」——max ,crimson sports 編輯人,哈佛11屆畢業生。

“I am overwhelmed by God's faithfulness and provision in his life and I'm incredibly hopeful for the ways that He has and will continue to use Jeremy for touching people's lives. I feel that Jeremy is a faithful witness and as he lets his own light shine, he gives the rest of his brothers and sisters in Christ the courage to do the same. For instance, for me, Linsanity is a great segue to sharing the good news, because when he comes up in conversation, I can talk about how I knew him in the context of Christian fellowship and our mutual goal of trying to live out the radical life of love, justice, and sacrifice modeled by Jesus.” – Danny Kim, friend and small group member, Harvard ‘10
「感謝上帝於生活中對林的支持和恩賜,對於林已經且將會一直以傑裡米的名義觸動他人的生活這方面來說我是抱有極大希望的;我覺得林是一個忠實的見證者,當他向外界傳遞著自己的光芒時,也給了我們這些懷有同樣信仰的人以勇氣去做同樣的事情。比如,對我而言,林瘋狂之後,我可以借林和我之間的教友關係以及林與我之間共有的人生理念——生活中要向耶穌一樣富有愛心、正義感和犧牲精神,這樣同他人交流的時候,我就可以繼續傳達著那些美好的訊息。」——Danny Kim, 朋友 ,小組成員, 哈佛10屆畢業生

“Jeremy's faith penetrates every aspect of his life both on and off the court. I personally have been struck by how earnestly Jeremy strives to be a spiritual leader, not only within his spiritual circle, but also within his nonreligious social circles and even in romantic relationships. Conversations with him about relationships revealed how intentional and committed he is to being a spiritual leader who keeps God at the center of any relationship.” – Elizabeth Shen, friend, Harvard ‘10
「林書豪的信仰貫穿於場上場下他生活的方方面面。我個人被他是如何努力做一個屬靈領袖所付出的勤奮給打動了。不僅在他的屬靈團體中,也在日常社交生活圈中,甚至在他的戀愛中。跟他討論人際關係時,可顯示出他是多麼有意識並堅定地去成長為一位屬靈領袖,並盡力把上帝放在一切人際關係的核心。」-elizabeth shen,朋友,哈佛10界畢業生

“I remember when I was watching the Dallas Mavericks game, I was so excited to the point I had to tell myself to calm down. It was too much for me to handle. I forced myself to not look at Facebook. I did not talk to anyone. I just tried to act as calm and normal as possible. I wished I was there with him. I would have shaken him and told him how happy I was. For me, that game was broadcasting at 2 am in China. I never thought I would ever in my life watch a basketball game at that hour. But I was literally enjoying every second and every moment.” – Cheng Ho, friend, roommate, small group member, Harvard ‘10
「我記得當我看小牛比賽的時候,我太激動了,我甚至得試圖告訴自己保持冷靜。我簡直就是難以自持,我強迫自己不去看facebook。我不跟任何人說話,我就是儘量讓自己看起來很冷靜和平常。我希望那個時候我和林在一起,那我會激動地搖晃著他並告訴他我有多快樂。對我而言,比賽直播時間是中國半夜兩點的時候。我從來沒想像過自己有生之年會在那個點看球。但是看的時候我無時無刻不在享受比賽。(這哥們看的是哪場比賽我沒弄明白)」——cheng ho, 朋友兼室友,小組成員,哈佛10屆畢業生

“Honestly, there are times I am envious that he is living my childhood dream of playing in the NBA, but then I realize I am more jealous that he is bringing God to the world, while I have a hard time bringing God up with a friend. But that’s a good jealousy because it inspires me to strengthen my own faith in God and be bold in my beliefs.” – Andy Choi, friend, Harvard ‘10
「誠實的說,很多時候我都在想林書豪現在的生活就是我兒時的夢想,但讓我更加嫉妒的是他得以把上帝的美德傳遍這個世界,而我卻很難把上帝(的福音)傳給一位朋友。但是這種嫉妒是良性的,因為這會給我帶來激勵,讓我在上帝面前鞏固自己的信心並堅守自己的信仰。」——andy choi, 朋友, 哈佛10界畢業生

“If you didn't know Jeremy was a superstar before you met him, you still wouldn't know afterwards. He has a humble disposition and is completely approachable and friendly. His faith in Christ flows completely out of his person; he knows that apart from God, he is nothing, and so his very identity depends on the love that Jesus has shown for him. He is ambitious, but quietly so--he will never go through anyone or walk over anyone to get to where he wants to be, and he is an example of what it looks like to be content in everything. Even though he was at Harvard (not a basketball school by any stretch of the imagination), he learned to be content there and used his leadership and skills to build up the team. While he hoped and worked towards playing in the NBA, he would have been happy to play in a second tier league because he had prayed about it and felt God's calling to professional basketball. Of course, it would never be easy to be less than the best--and it wasn't easy to play at Harvard either--but Jeremy has a rootedness and spiritual foundation that can carry him through those hard times.” – Adrian Tam, Jeremy’s spiritual adviser, Harvard ‘06
「如果你在碰到林之前不知道林是一個超級明星,你以後還是不會發現這一點的。」他有著謙遜的性格,平易近人,十分友善。他的言談舉止無不透露出他對基督的信仰;他知道沒了上帝的幫助,他什麼都不是;因而上帝給了他多少愛將決定他是怎樣一個人。他是有抱負的,但同時他的內心又是如此平靜——他不會為了達到目的不擇手段,他是一個心胸寬廣、包容一切的傢伙。儘管他讀得是哈佛(從來都不是啥籃球名校),但是他在那裡學會了海納百川,學會了用自己的領袖才能與球技逐步打造出一支優秀的球隊。當他對進入nba滿懷憧憬之時,如果最終事與願違,我想即使在其他級別的籃球聯盟中打球,林也不會沮喪的;他會很高興,因為他覺得上帝希望他成為一名職業籃球隊員。當然,這不會很容易,想當初林在哈佛打球也不容易,但是林強大的信仰與心智使得他歷經坎坷而依然堅挺如故。」——adrian tam,林的心靈導師,哈佛06屆畢業生

“It seems like Jeremy has just been gracing the cover of one magazine to the next, but he wasn’t always the glamorous star that the media has depicted him. If I had to describe Jeremy and how he felt at the end of his senior year, it’d probably be “uncertain.” He was unsure if the draft would work out, and if not, then what—Europe? But through all this, he always kept faith in God—knowing that something was going to work. Now, I’m celebrating by telling people that besides his basketball skills, what a great guy he is. I personally feel proud and happy for him, because it just goes to show that good things do happen to good people, even if it might take a while and take you on a rollercoaster ride in the process. So that’s exactly what I tell people—that Jeremy really deserves it.” – Bing Han, Jeremy’s small group co-leader, Harvard ‘11
「看起來林書豪令一個又一個雜誌熠熠生輝了,但是他並不總是像媒體所渲染的那樣是個萬人迷。如果你讓我展望林書豪在大學畢業那會的前景,那麼關鍵詞可能是『不確定』。他自己都不確信選秀大會是否會選中他,如果選不中,那他又會到哪裡打球呢——歐洲?但是無論經歷怎樣的磨難,他始終堅信上帝——他確信功夫不負有心人。現在,我很會高興地告訴別人說林書豪不僅球技棒,人品也是一流的。我個人為他感到驕傲和由衷的喜悅。儘管個中的酸甜苦辣我們不得而知,但是終究好的事情的確發生在好的人身上了。所以,那就是我告訴別人的——林書豪值得擁有這一切。」——bing han ,林小組中和林一樣是個leader,哈佛11屆畢業生


文章數 : 194
積分 : 515
威望 : 1
注冊日期 : 2010-02-27

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